
Release new Company Fact Sheet for CODE TOT

It has taken a long time since the first release of our company’s portfolio. I spent only 2 hours with Canva to release a new version.


Next.js Dynamic Routes Example

// pages/user/[id].tsx
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const User = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { id, } = router.query;

  return (
      <h1>User Id is {id}</h1>

export default User;

Ref: EggHead


Jump up and kick!

My favorite sport is a shuttlecock.
WordPress Block Editor

WordPress Gutenberg Breakpoints

I found an issue that collects all Gutenberg breakpoints. It will be helpful in case you wish to develop some custom components or override a CSS for a block column.

Linux Server

Fix MariaDB can’t start

I used RunCloud to manage my servers and my web application. Once we got an error with MariaDB offline cause one of a database has been crashed.

WordPress + React

Render Application with WordPress React

You don’t need to install React if you work with the WordPress environment. Like many other frameworks, WordPress release their own React-based package which helps us to use the same function and methods. In this case, @wordpress/element will be an alternative way.